What to Expect at a LSO concert
What to wear?
Some people will dress up, but most will wear business or church attire. You should dress comfortably.
When to arrive?
Arrive at least 20 minutes early to allow time to pick up a program, get tickets at Will Call, and find your seat. Late concertgoers will not be seated until the end of the first work of the program.
What is the goal?
The goal of a concert is be affected by the music; and that is different from person to person. Enjoy the experience of live orchestra music. To that end, turn off cell phones and similar devices, so you do not disturb other concertgoers or the musicians. Flash cameras are prohibited.
When should I clap?
You may clap to welcome the Concertmaster, guest soloists, the Music Director, and at the end of the program. Many classical pieces have more than one movement, or theme. You should wait until all movements are played before clapping. Not sure when to clap? Watch your neighbor or wait until the Music Director turns around to the audience and gives a bow.
Should I bring my children?
We love children and they are welcome to come. Be sure your child is capable of sitting quietly through the program.
How long does a concert last?
Usually, a concert will last about two hours, including a 20-minute intermission.
What instruments are part of an orchestra?
Strings: Violins, violas, basses, and cellos.
Percussion: Harp, piano, cymbals, triangle, timpani, bass drum, snare drum, and marimba.
Woodwinds: Piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, and contrabassoon.
Brass: French horn, trombone, tuba, and trumpet.
Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra
621 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Privacy Policy
Phone: 434-845-6604
Ula Kauppi, CFRE
Executive Director